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White Rose Physiotherapy

Related: Health & Fitness

“We get you back to doing what you love”

We transform lives helping you get back to doing what you love by targeting the root cause of your symptoms and providing you with a transparent journey for your recovery using our structured 7 step approach.


- We target the root cause of your symptoms to provide sustainable results. Often, the cause is not where the symptoms lie, for example a weak ankle causing lower back pain. Massaging the lower back may give you short term relief, but not sustainable results and your injury will continue to affect you doing the things you love.

We transform lives, helping you live your life without pain, medication, injections or surgery. You will be able to switch off from that nagging pain or constant ache and enjoy your life with renewed energy. Imagine being able to tackle the Whitley Bay Park Run with confidence, a day in the garden or a family walk along Longsands without worrying that your pain is going to be troublesome the following day.

- We provide a transparent journey to recovery, from the initial diagnostic appointment, we will give you clear milestones to get you back to doing what you love. Our structured 7 step program has been used across the spectrum from returning international athletes to their sport to getting someone walking again.

- We treat every patient with 100% dedication, from office worker to international sports star. We expect the same level of dedication from the patient as our success is built on a patient-physiotherapist commitment to the journey to recovery. Home exercises given are a significant part of this and must be completed to enable us to further progress between sessions to hit the milestones.

- We have an excellent close group of associates both local and national to refer you to if your root cause is non-physiotherapy related.


 10% discount off Physiotherapy and Sports Massage


To book call: 07703 822602 or email: info@whiterosephysiotherapy.co.uk quoting ‘More Card’.

Alternatively you can book through our website quoting ‘More Card’ when booking.

Terms and conditions: Deal 1 is limited to the first 100 customers to complete the booking form which will be sent to them on request.

More Card must be shown on the first appointment.

Contact Details:

White Rose Physiotherapy

Oak Rd, North Shields NE29 8SF, UK

07703 822602


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